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OUR Programs

Morning Alim Course (for Men)

From £300 / Per Term (3 months = 1 Term)

1. Duration: 6 Years (1 Year = 3 Terms)
2. Starting date: September 2024
3. Registrations: Open Now

Sabah Qira’at Course

From £250 / Per Term (3 months = 1 Term)

1. Duration: 2 Years (1 Year = 3 Terms)
2. Date: Saturdays 7pm-10pm (UK time)
3. Registrations: Open Now

The Hadith Specialisation Course

From £300 / Per Term (3 months = 1 Term)

1. Duration: 3 Years (1 Year = 3 Terms)
2. Starting date: September 2024
3. Registrations: Open Now

Explore Our Courses & Enrol Today


The Miracles Of The Qur’an

Speaker: Mufti Naiem Muhammad Date: Tuesday 30th July 2024 Time: 9.10pm Venue: Masjid Abu Bakr Billesley – 713 Yardley Wood

Our Palestine Our Masjid Al Aqsa

Speaker: Shaykh Yusuf Badat Date: Tuesday 30th July 2024 Time: 7pm Venue: Ar-Rahma Foundation – 196 York Road, Hall Green,

2024 Open Day

Embark On Your Pathway To Seeking Islamic Knowledge Please Come & Have A Look At All Of The Courses We

Community Food Bank

Helping & caring for those in who are in need. No referral system – just to turn up. Date: Sunday

Men’s Breakfast Hangout

Come join us for a good, healthy breakfast with a short walk, come gentle exercise and the chance to build

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Our Most In Demand Courses

Explore Our In-Demand Courses with high Enrolment

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  • +44 0791 232 8026
  • +44 0121 773 3576


MON-FRI 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

SAT-SUN 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

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